picture-in-textMAS are pleased to present a variety of our current special offers for your consideration:

Is your intruder alarm bell box (external sounder) looking old and weathered? Why not take advantage of our amazing special offer and get it replaced at a heavily discounted price!

  • For customers currently on a maintenance contract with us, we will replace your old bell box on your next routine maintenance visit for just £75+VAT! (*Exclusions apply)
  • For customers who don’t hold a maintenance contract with us, or for systems not fitted by ourselves, we will replace your bell box and carry out a full system check for just £175+VAT! (*Exclusions apply)

We are also able to offer the following:

  • Wireless intruder alarms kits at competitive rates. Professional, reliable, non-DIY equipment fully fitted and guaranteed for 12 months.
  • Flexible payment options over 12 months for all new installations.
  • Free fire and security audits.
  • Free labour on the installation of carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, when carried out at the same time as your routine maintenance visit.
  • Various maintenance contracts at competitive rates.
  • System takeovers from as little as £100+VAT.

(*Includes up to 1 hour labour on site, system must be compatible with current MAS bell boxes, we are unable to fit new bell boxes to recently set k-render, the bell box to be replaced must be safe to access with standard extension ladders, bell boxes to be replaced must be live sounders and not decoys. Usual MAS terms & conditions also apply.)


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